Thanksgiving was a joyful occasion. In the morning the class did clicker training and country walks while we did booties, the dogs get little shoes to where in the really hot or the really cold. They are also good for keeping salt off of their paws in the winter months. In addition search and rescue dogs often use the boots as they are running into burning buildings or up mountains. Anyway, while it was clear that she would rather not have them on, she did not make a fuss about them. I swear, nothing fazes this dog. The haulty was another story. She was trying to glue her little head to her front legs. It was not at all to her liking. A haulty is a head collar that does not restrict a dog’s mouth. They are to replace the Gentle Leader, and before that they were called a muzzle. After all of that we did a trip to Wal-Mart. Not the most fun thing ever, but we did buy Jonah and Bethany toys. Jonah tried to pick out his own toys… Pretty funny actually. The two of them did a wonderful job making their way around the store. It was crazy in there and these guys were impressive.
We did a big Thanksgiving dinner upon our return. The food was of course amazing and Larry gave a nice toast. During dinner Graham and I had a long talk about our families and about differing personalities and styles of all of the trainers. . We even had some red wine. It was a Cabernet, Shana would have been pleased.
After lunch we did a little country walk of our own. It was not a good demonstration of good guide work, but I hear that a lot of the dogs behave horridly on this walk. I was however, ready to chock it up to my karma. Megan and Chrissie were sitting outside the door that we exited smoking and I may have been a bit dramatic when I walked out. Just a bit though, you all know how subtle I typically am… :)
After we returned with the dogs we took them to play in their little playground. There was much more of the same running, competing, etc… Very cute and they did not even let the flurries faze them. Graham left before dinner that night. He pretty much left in a hurry because he does not like goodbyes. Then that night was the last lecture of our time there. Chrissie said that Lucie and I did not need to attend, but it felt like a good conclusion to be there and you never know, she could have said something illuminating. Chrissy is really good at explaining the lectures and has a real gift with answering every question, and treating every question with intent consideration and skill. It is no wonder that she only spent six months working the kennels. In the evening I packed up my stuff, hung out with everyone for a bit and went to bed.
The next morning I was ready to go... I ate breakfast with Susan, Stacy, Lucie,, and Megan. Tom, the IA, wanted to leave for the airport by eight so I said a few quick good buys, got a few hugs and grabbed my stuff. I was determined to get out of there without a tear. I was doing so well, but then a teary Megan came down the hall to say goodbye. You have to understand a few things, Megan was the instructor who trained Bethany. She has worked with her since June. In that time they have had good days and not so good days. Now Bethany is leaving with me to help me as I travel and generally live my life. To Bethany, Megan is like that teacher that impacts your life and from having known her you are never the same. Another way to think of it is through the lens of what I do. I meet students when they are learning who they are and deciding who they want to be. It is always bitter sweet to see my favorites graduate. I am excited about their further lives and accomplishments, but no new student will ever fully take their place. On a personal note, I liked Megan from the moment I met her. She was funny, had a good sense of humor, she forgot to show me the blinds in my room, and she complemented my boots. I am so easy to win over, but for real, she gave off a good vibe. It always surprises me just how quickly you can connect to another person. My biologist friends would say that a chemical reaction of some kind had occurred and I believe that this is true. We are not talking about a romantic connection here folks, but rather a brain connection. I have found that with some people you connect right away, or in the case of my best friend and I, you know each other for two years before you become friends.
Anyway, although it was tough to leave, we got to the airport, Tom got Lucie to the check-in and then Tom and I hung out for three hours before my flight. He is a great guy and will be a trainer sooner than later, I am sure. He amused me by telling stories of all of the staff and he hung out with me at the gate until I needed to go. The airport was really busy with a lot of people and luggage. Bethany worked through all of it like a pro and then when we were on the jet she laid down nicely and curled into a ball to sleep in between my feet. It was a little bumpy, going across Pennsylvania, but things did settle as we flew west. JS met me in baggage, and we made a run through a Chick-fill-A drive through on our way back to Oxford. We have spent the day around here today and tomorrow may do a few runs around the blocks close to here. We are going to take things slow in this new place. She does not know the area or any of these people, so we are going to ease her into life away from Guiding Eyes. She will do well, but I just want to make the next month a calm one as she adjusts to her new life.