Monday, November 15, 2010

airports... flying is fun?

Well my adoring public, I have heard from a few of you, wondering what is going on… . Today was a travel day for me.  I flew out of the Cincinnati Northern KT airport and arrived at LaGuardia  around twelve thirty.  Of course my flight was delayed an hour in Cinci, but I had an okay trip over all.  Here are just a few observations I have as a visually impaired traveler.  Number one.  People treat Randall like a rock star.  Randall you ask? Didn’t Randall retire?  Yes, yes, he did.  This weekend my Mom came down to pick him up, but while she was in town she also took me to the airport this morning.  Therefore, as we do not want to be cruel to the big guy, we took him through the airport and my Mom walked him back through  after I was at my gate.  On her way back through the airport a pilot  asked her if she would like some assistance, and some naughty dog lovers pet him while he was traveling down an escalator.  (Just in the case that you think this is a great idea, it is not. When a working dog is working, you should not distract said dog.  Places where this behavior is especially not okay include, in cross walks, on escalators or stares, and in areas where danger is present.)  You see My Mom did not at all hold the harness, just healed him back to the parking area.  Randall is now safe in PA with my parents and the cats.  So, back to my observations.  When I travel alone, people worry about my comfort, my happiness, and my  over all well being a lot.  Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate people letting their good nature shine through, but I am okay being left to wait for a ride in baggage at my destination, I am fine sitting in a row by myself on a flight, and I do not need a good buy hug from a Delta agent.  Again, I appreciate seeing people being friendly, I do however tend to laugh at the things that they say and do when I am around. 

I am now at Guiding Eyes.  I’ve had two meals, taken a tour of the new parts of the training center, and gotten to meet the instructors and my fellow classmates.  Tomorrow  the instructors are going to spend the day getting to know all of us and how we may match up with their dogs.  Although, right now I hear my bed calling.  I’ll write more tomorrow.  For now I’d better get some rest. 6 am will come quickly. 

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