Once again, I shirked my blog writing responsibilities. This is why throughout my life I have never been able to keep a journal. For those of you who dabble in human behavior or the artistic science of psychology and know me, you will know that this is because I am an external processer. In fact, I sometimes do not know the full extent of my thoughts until I am telling another person. This of course means that I am chatty. Not exactly in an Andie McPhee (Get that Dawson’s Creek fans) way of being chatty, but I definitely am a person who enjoys the good conversation.
So, now I have broken one of the cardinal laws of blog writing, I’ve made this post way to Vanessa centric. Let’s take it back a bit. This blog suffers from a lack of identity. It is not about cooking or fassion. It is not about travel or athletic training. It just exists as a mish-mash of thoughts, with a strong beginning, that of guide dog training. Going back to me for a second, it is a metaphor. The blog is struggling to find a voice, as I am trying to figure out where I am going with my life. I do not mean this in a self-help kind of way, it is just that right now, I am looking for what I want to do next. I enjoy my job but, is it forever? I like to write but, am not a writer. Should I be looking to buy a house? What do I care about? These are my current questions.
As the blog suggests, I am one of those positive people. My glass is half full, my glasses are rose colored, and I believe in everything working out for the best! A friend of mine who also appreciates alliteration actually came up with the name for the blog and I loved it from the start. For anyone who reads this, thanks for sticking with it as I come up with a new perpetually positive path.
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