Monday, February 27, 2012

Dear Smokers

Dear smokers-  Why do you hate fresh air?  This is a question that I have posed to my dad, a smoker since the age of 16, every summer when I take a walk with him around my parent’s property.  I feel newly invigorated to ask the question because within the past few months I have returned to city living and on my two block walk from the bus stop to my office building, there is not one time that I was not assaulted with the putrid stench of second hand smoke. 

Locations where this smell tends to congregate include aforementioned bus stops, doorways, outside of buildings and in a more sporadic form, we are forced to inhale it from passersby.  Let’s talk about bus stops first though.  I do not know what it is about waiting for a bus that means you should light up a cancer stick, but that does appear to be the trend.  I am not sure if the percentage of bus riders who smoke is greater than the regular population, or that boredom coupled with standing still in one location outdoors is simply too much of an enticement for the occasional smoker.  Does this place and time just compel you smokers to throw caution to the wind and bum one from a neighbor?  This may be the case but, I often find myself in proximity to a smoke cloud when going to and coming from  the city.  Next, let’s talk about those doorways.  Smoke is no longer welcome in-doors, in less you are a private club that does not sell substantial food, or something of that nature...  The clever smoker has consequently stepped through the front or side door on to the sidewalk and lit up.  It is after all cold or, raining or, hot or, something...  Walking more than five feet away from the door is therefore an unheard  of notion,.  This placement does, however, make it difficult for nonsmokers to breath in the fresh air that stepping out of a door usually provided.  We nonsmokers also can no longer take in that last breath of fresh air when entering into our office buildings.  Finally to the passer by.  I often pass by the hurrying, stressed smoker, or the jovial friendly smoker and in either case, I am equally repulsed by the trail of smoke that they leave in their wake.  They make me think back to conversations with my Dad and to consider my question, of why do you hate fresh air?  Walking in a crisp day through the fall or spring air is one of the most relaxing things that I can think of.  Why would you smokers want to muddy that experience with a cloud of smoke? 

Should we segregate?  Restaurants through the 80s and 90s had smoking sections, but as reported by a plack that we once spotted hanging on the wall of a local eatery, “a smoking section in a restaurant is like a peeing section in a pool.” 

I know that as a nonsmoker, there are some elements of smoking that I will just simply never understand.  I don’t understand the thrill, I don’t understand the allure and I definitely don’t understand the accompanying stench.  When I say that I am not a smoker, I mean, I have never smoked a single cigarette.  Not a puff, not a drag.  This being said, I am a big believer in personal freedom and if sigs are your thing, more power, just try to keep them to yourself.  Your consideration is much appreciated!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Why I Am Not a Tweet Fan

In today’s society, what is the most used form of communication for  many of us?  Well it is the tweet. These 140 character outbursts where you are meant to convey a message, not get to personal, express your wit, and be interesting.  

Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the functions that Twitter provides and have had an account since my friend JS was able to get 100 people to join a Facebook group called, Vanessa Braun Should Get Twitter, but for me this is not the optimal form of communication that others find it to be.  I have a few major issues. 

#one, I cannot force myself to write in fragments. “The deets can be found on the pg w/ u fav grls”

# 2 I find myself to be quite clever and do not appreciate Twitter reporting that I need to extend this wit further to fit into their confines.  I like words and can sometimes be guilty of using to many, however, I am convinced that this is not a deficiency on my part.  Brevity is all well and good, but, do not forget that we could all do well to listen a little more, authentically engage with others and even scroll to the next page.

#3 Finally, I do not have tweets sent to my phone.  Most of my friends with twitter are constantly looking at their phones and reading the latest from sh*t (someone says) or the New York Times and while they sometimes have funny or clever information to share it makes me think of my grad school supervisor.  She would kick  people out of her office if they took a call while she was talking with them and although I have not visited her  office in a while I imagine that in her office today she would ask the Twitter using community to leave her office  if they were constantly tweeting or texting’s 

Thus, in conclusion, you will still see me on twitter from time to time but, it will not be regular, it will not be  boring, and when it does happen, it will, for sure, be amazing!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Wooo I'm Blogging Again

Hello readers, yes, it is true, I took a vacation from sharing my views and or stories with the world wide web.  Never fear, I have returned.  My goal is to send out some positive energy in the form of my thoughts on a weekly basis.  I cannot find it in me to write any more than that but to write any less seems half ass and you know that is no way to live. 

So, what is it that I will write about?  Good question.  I will write about anything that may interest me and as a “connecter” I can tell you lots and lots of things interest me.  Formerly I wrote about the process of guide dog training, so it is unlikely that I will write about that.  It is an election year, I now work in the arts, I live with my sister, I read and love my pop culture, I have some interesting friends, all of these subjects may come up.  2011 was my year of change.  2012 is bound to be just as interesting, just in new and delightful ways.