Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Insperation: I was inspired today. You may be asking, what could inspire you? Perhaps the reverse could also be asked, why aren’t you inspired daily? Well friends, doing the work that i do, there is often inspiration, it may come from a project, a great interaction, a meeting, or just in something that I read… Today’s stroke of inspiration came from a combination of things. I set a meeting with myself to flesh out a new idea and during the course of reading and writing I needed a small brain break and turned my attention to my Facebook newsfeed. “Your Facebook?” Shouldn’t you be working? Yes, indeed, those are good questions and good points. Although, I am so glad that I took a hiatus from my project. As there on my screen was a post from a dear friend. A friend who I have not seen in 12 years and below her post was a link to her blog. I’m not sure why but, I’ve never read her blog before. I think that I have seen it and new from Facebook that she and her husband, also a former Gator, relocated their family from Boston to TN but, I’d never had the opportunity to click on her blog. Well, today was the day and it gave me a glimpse into their world. That they now had to kiddos, that she taught at a college, that they were still a great couple and right away I was transported back in time, back to Allegheny, to Brooks, to Baldwin, to the Campus Center, to my freshman sem and the amazing people who helped to make me the person that I am today,. All of this came from 15 minutes reading 5or 6 posts from an old friend and bam, inspiration. My brain needed a vitamin