Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Strengths-- When things come easy or naturally to you there is not always that built in motivation to work harder. However, this is just what positive psychologists and the creators of Gallop’s Strengths Finder had in mind. The test examines your aptitude over 32 predictor types and once you are done, the computer generates your five top strengths. The thought behind your top five strengths is so that you can maximize those predictors and in turn, enhance your overall aptitude. Are you experiencing some cognitive dissidence? If you are, you are not alone. Many individuals who take the test would prefer to receive their bottom five results, with the thought that those are the areas that they should truly be working on, to become a better person. When they receive their top five they tend to dismiss them. “These are things that I am already doing well.” However, that is the entire point. When you would bring home a report card with all A’s and one C, which grade drew the attention from your parents? Well naturally it was that C. In many houses the A’s may not have even been mentioned. Is a C the end of the world? No. Is it still important? Yes. However were the 6 A’s just as important? Again, Yes. The same holds true for Strengths. Say that you are a really positive person, should you say, “the heck with that, I want to be analytical.” Not necessarily. You could instead use your positive attitude to influence your desire to become more analytical. You see, use what you are already good at to be better across the board!

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